• Are you hungry for more intimacy with Father, for more victory and freedom in Christ?
  • ​Do you want to fully discover your calling and start successfully running in it?
  • ​Would you like to be taught more closely by Jesus Himself, and walk more tangibly with Him daily?
  • ​Are you ready to live in union with the Holy Spirit?
  • ​Ever wonder what it would be like to walk in all of the Promises of God?
  • ​ Are you ready to be completely free of fear, anger, frustration, quarrelling and worry and walk 24/7 in His peace and joy?
  • ​Do you want a more supernatural and powerful prayer life; to hear His voice more clearly, and to see your prayers answered daily?
  • ​Are you asking Father to take you deeper in His Word, longing to understand every book and verse of the Bible?
  • ​Would you like to walk in divine health and see others you pray for delivered and healed?
  • ​Do you long to see God's Kingdom and power manifest in every area of your life? 
TranzformU is more than just an online Bible School - it's a vibrant, transformative community where believers come together to dive deep into God's Word, experience His presence, and see their lives radically changed. TranzformU is committed to more than just transmitting biblical information; we’re committed to your transformation, and to help you walk in everything Father has for you.

Our revolutionary 1-year Kingdom40 Course isn't just about gaining knowledge; it's about experiencing a total life renovation. Inspired by Jesus’ 40-day, post-resurrection, Kingdom focus with His disciples, this course will challenge your perspectives, deepen your faith, and propel you into your divine purpose.
Kingdom40 is comprised of 4 distinct "Intensives," including digital workbooks for each Intensive and 250 hours of pre-recorded teaching that will transform your understanding of God's Word and His Kingdom. With both video and audio-only versions available, you can immerse yourself in this powerful learning experience at your own pace within 1-year, whether at home, commuting, exercising, or traveling.

Are you ready to learn what Life in Christ is meant to look like and to discover how to walk in it?

What's Included?

  • An Immersive Kingdom Education: The core Kingdom40 Course includes 120 hours of dynamic teaching and training on 40 crucial biblical topics. This Progressive (concept-built-upon-concept) Course is intentionally designed for your progression and training in the Faith, preparing you to walk in Christ in every aspect and part of your life.
  • Extra Course Materials: For those who want to go deeper and spend more time learning, there is an additional 100 hours of life-changing topical teaching.
  • A Living, Breathing Online Campus Community: Join a global network of believers committed to truly Knowing God, Walking with Jesus, Living Filled with the Holy Spirit, Embracing Transformation, and Advancing the Kingdom.
  • A Family Transformation Package: Involve your spouse and children living in your home and watch your family dynamics shift and transform.
  • Practical Spiritual Tools: We don’t simply provide knowledge and information; we equip you with practical skills (the How To's), guiding you through real transformation. You will learn everything from how to partner with the Spirit in every aspect of life, to interpreting dreams and visions, walking in His presence and reflecting His glory, developing a powerful prayer life, and much more.
  • A Direct Line to Fresh Revelation: Regular LIVE Teaching Sessions and Q&A with Rick Osborne keep you growing and on the cutting edge of Kingdom insights.
  • An Extensive Q&A Library: Our vast Searchable Video Q&A Library will help equip you and keep you moving forward. With every answer, Rick focuses not only on showing you what the Bible teaches on that topic but also on showing you how to study your Bible accurately by showing you how he arrived at the answer.
  • ​Transformation Assistants: TranzformU Alumni are on hand in the Online Campus, always ready to encourage and help you in your transformation.
  • Ongoing Studies and Kingdom Collaboration: Upon completing the 1-year Kingdom40 Course, you will have the opportunity to advance further by joining BeyondK40. This next phase offers even more in-depth teachings (both recorded and live) and provides access to another Kingdom-centred community. In this global fellowship, believers come together to continue growing and expanding the Kingdom in unity.
"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field." (Matthew 13:44)
Just as Jesus described the Kingdom as a treasure worth everything, we believe the truths you'll uncover at TranzformU are priceless. Are you ready to discover this treasure for yourself?

Don't settle for a lukewarm faith or a part-time Kingdom life. Join TranzformU and step into the fullness of what God has for you. Your transformation journey awaits!